Category Archives: Random

Random. No other word for it.

Whereas I am queen of this domain…

Categories: Politics, Proclamations, Random

I read an article today in the Arizona Star about government proclamations to mark different things with specific days. The article was very well written to get it’s point across. It made me smile. I have decided that if the … Keep reading

“Officially finished moving” or “Where am I from?”

Categories: Random

Yes, I know it was almost four months ago that I loaded everything I own into a moving van and drove it from Utah to Arizona. You might think that was when I officially moved here. But, as of yesterday, … Keep reading

Oranges, Waiting, & Snow

Categories: Random

I’ve decided oranges are possibly my favorite fruit. They come with their own wrapper. Bananas do too, but bananas bruise and get squishy if I throw them in my backpack on my way out the door in the morning. Oranges … Keep reading

Thoughts on a Sunday Afternoon

Categories: Exercise, Health, Random

It occurred to me this week that the city of Tucson does not own any snow plows, at all, none whatsoever. That’s not really a problem because they pretty much never need one. But it was fun to figure out … Keep reading

Draw a Picture of a Bird Day

Categories: Random

I drew a bird. What does your bird look like?

¡?uun? ????

Categories: Happy Things, Random

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March Fo(u)rth!!

Categories: Happy Things, Random

Today is the perfect day for a parade. So this thread will be my parade. Please make a comment on what you will be contributing as part of my parade. I’ve been in parades with marching bands before. But I … Keep reading