Category Archives: Random

Random. No other word for it.

This, that, and the other, but mainly photos

Categories: Happy Things, Random

I went to the desert yesterday. I like going. My year membership has already more than paid for itself. I want to try and go once a month, and since June ended yesterday and I had not gone yet, I … Keep reading

The Sunday News

Categories: Education, Exercise, Happy Things, News, Random, Science & Tech, Venting

I have several different news articles all on similar topics that should eventually appear as separate blogs. But today I just wanted to comment on several random stories all at once. => The original story about this is sad. A … Keep reading

Wonky buildings, inflatable colons, blown glass, and a vent

Categories: Health, News, Random, Venting

Pisa’s leaning tower stabilized: There are some stories about engineers that just make me smile. What’s so wonky about the church steeple in Germany that makes it more wonky than a building that’s been falling over for more than 800 … Keep reading

Books, really long telescopes, and the amazing world of the microbe

Categories: Books, Education, Happy Things, Health, News, Random, Science & Tech

Giant “telescope” links London, New York: How cool is this idea? I’ve always wanted to go to London. Could I at least get to New York in the next month and look at it? Also reported by the BBC in … Keep reading

News comments and a thought about cereal

Categories: Education, Exercise, Family, Health, News, Politics, Random, Relationships, Science & Tech

Recently I’ve heard a few commercials for Total cereal. Their commercials always claim that you should eat Total in the morning because it provides you with 100% of your recommended daily amounts of vitamins and minerals, while you’d have to … Keep reading

Just need to comment on several things at once

Categories: Exercise, Health, News, Questions, Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting, Random, Relationships, Science & Tech

I’ve noticed that most people who comment on news articles on-line are simply providing more proof that the stupidity of the human race should never be underestimated. Rather than joining their ranks and letting my wonderful insight get lost in … Keep reading

Random Trippy Things

Categories: Random

My trip to Utah was great. But there were a few random memorable moments that really make me laugh when I think about them. My flight there was delayed a bit, so I had time to get dinner at Chili’s … Keep reading