Category Archives: Random

Random. No other word for it.

E confiante durmo

Categories: Random

And confidently I sleep It might seem a little strange, but I have several movies that I put in because I know I’ll sleep to them. These are movies that I know very well and that I like a lot. … Keep reading

Já não temo a noite

Categories: Family, Random, Relationships

I don’t fear the night. After yesterday’s list of things that make me feel safe, today a list of things I fear. #1 – Moths – They will get me. I know they will. I cannot stand near lights at … Keep reading

Here comes November!!

Categories: Random, Science & Tech

Last November I participated in NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month). The object was to post every day for a month. And I did it. And it was a great mental-exercise-stretch-your-mind-see-how-long-you-can-talk-about-nothing kind of thing. Several of my friends did on their … Keep reading

Why I am on-line late at night

Categories: Gospel, Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting, Random, Relationships

Other titles for this blog: Odd ways to say hello Names have been changed to protect the guilty, innocent, and unsuspecting. I’m innocently online looking at a few things late at night when suddenly an IM window pops up. My … Keep reading

The Thinks I Thought

Categories: Questions, Random, Science & Tech

What banged together at the Big Bang? Scientist say there was nothing before then. So a whole bunch of nothing with no mass, no energy, no gravitational/electric/magnetic/nuclear force, smashed together, and out of that nothing we got a whole universe? … Keep reading

Speaking of drinking…

Categories: Random

So, um, drunk people say funny things. I was at Wal-Mart today to get one of my photos printed poster size to hang in my home. As I was leaving I overheard a rather scraggly man talking to a store … Keep reading

New Shoes

Categories: Gospel, Health, Life, Random, Venting

I don’t buy new shoes often. I have the basics so I can match just about anything I’m wearing. My feet are very important to me, and since they’ve already had problems, I’m very particular about what shoes I buy … Keep reading