Category Archives: Random

Random. No other word for it.

Friday at Five

Categories: Exercise, Meme, Random

Five things for a Friday afternoon. Keep reading

Aren’t we all a little odd?

Categories: Random, Science & Tech

A date where it is perfectly acceptable to be odd, because the date itself is. Keep reading

In case you were wondering

Categories: Random

There is a difference between Miss Giggles and Little Miss Giggles. Keep reading

To confuse or amuse

Categories: Happy Things, Random

And in some circles, that means I’m impressed. 😀 Keep reading

Happy Earth Day!

Categories: Happy Things, Random

Happy Earth Day! Isn’t this a beautiful planet we live on? Ain’t recycling grand? Keep reading

The public in public transportation

Categories: Random

Oh, the people on the bus go up and down, up and down, up and down. Keep reading

Random Party!!

Categories: Random

I have now written 600 randoms. I wonder what the next 600 will be. Keep reading