Category Archives: Random

Random. No other word for it.

Why socks?

Categories: Random

Why would a drunk guy be questioning socks? Keep reading

I am not a teenager

Categories: Books, News, Random, Science & Tech

According to a recent survey, the mere fact that you are reading this blog, that there is a blog here for you to read to begin with, means I am not a teenager. In fact, it means I’m over 30. (I actually really like being over 30.) … Keep reading

Finding something that works

Categories: Random, Relationships

Nobody has to do things the exact same way everyone else does, just find something that works for you! … Keep reading

Your mission…

Categories: Books, Challenges, Random

… should you choose to accept it, is to write a story. It doesn’t have to be a long one. It doesn’t even necessarily have to be a good one. But it does have to follow a certain format. … Keep reading


Categories: Random

New years are great, but… Keep reading

Big run. Small thoughts

Categories: Exercise, Random

From the marathon… stupid head wind, and the blister that ate my toe. Keep reading

30 Days

Categories: Random

Except for February – Because it’s weird. Keep reading