Category Archives: Musings

My musings ponderings, and pensées on things deep and spiritual.

Maybe you should water it

Categories: Musings

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Keep reading


Categories: Learn Something, Musings

If you break the word down you get photo- and -graph (or you could be real weird and break it down to pho-to-gra-ph, or p-hot-og-rap-h, or some other weird division, and then it doesn’t mean anything). Keep reading

Don’t Panic

Categories: Musings

It’s a pretty good life philosophy. Right up there with my motto for years, “Don’t get hit by cars.” It kind of matches the wisdom we saw on a sign at California Adventure, “Smile when you scream!” Keep reading

Joy is a reason

Categories: Family, Folks, Happy Things, Musings, Old Jeans, Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting

The Creator of the plan of happiness is also the Creator of all the beauty we see around us. I’ve had several occasions to wonder if something was created simply for the joy and beauty of it. Keep reading

No time!!

Categories: Education, Exercise, Family, Gospel, Life, Musings

I’ve heard people say that they would do this that or the other if they only had the time. But really it’s a lie. Keep reading

Being a winner

Categories: Gospel, Life, Musings

A life can be exciting when it is filled with wonderful things to do. But a life is rich when it is full of wonderful things to be. Keep reading


Categories: Gospel, Life, Musings, Relationships

Janus. The god of passageways, gates, doors, and beginnings and endings. He is often depicted with two faces (a lot like creepy Voldemort coming out of the back of Quirrell’s head in Philospher’s Stone actually)…. Faith is for the future. Faith builds on the past but never longs to stay there. Keep reading