Category Archives: Meme

Just doing my part to pass them around the internet. (A form of modern folklore.)

Caught in the middle

Categories: Books, Education, Exercise, Family, Life, Meme, Relationships, Work

I’ve seen this on a few other blogs and thought I’d give it a go. But I added the stuff at the end because I thought it should extend equally in both directions. I have this thing with balance and … Keep reading

Now I know my ABCs

Categories: Meme

Heidi, Amanda, and Mr. Me have all done this. Looked like fun. No, I would not jump off a cliff if they did. A= Attached or single: There are a lot of things I am attached to. I’m very attached … Keep reading

And the Oscar goes to…

Categories: Learn Something, Meme

I have seen 22 of the 80 pictures that have won Best Picture. Eleven of them were made before I was born. I even own two of them, although there are a few more I would like to add to … Keep reading

Seven things

Categories: Meme

Several weeks ago, The Book Guardian tagged me to write about seven things you might not know about me. Someone else might have tagged me too, but I can’t remember. I don’t know what people do and don’t know about … Keep reading