Category Archives: Family

My family. Anything and everything about us.

What’s Your Origin Story?

Categories: Family, Gospel, Musings

Today I taught Gospel Doctrine about “Finding Joy in Temple and Family History Work.” As I thought about it in preparation though I realized it was in part a lesson about what our origin stories are and the importance of knowing those stories. There are days I like to think of myself as a super hero, and every super hero has an origin story, so what’s mine? Keep reading

I love to see the temple

Categories: Family, Gospel, With the Kiddos

In August the Tucson temple was dedicated and I was actually worried about how having a temple that close was going to complicate things. … We really aren’t saving any on gas this way. It takes us 4 hours to get everyone there and back, and that’s just with us serving for an hour each in the temple. But we all get to go still. Our kids still look forward with excitement for temple day every month. And for me, that makes it totally worth it. Keep reading


Categories: Family, Health

We knew we were completely spoiled by how well Iddo slept. At 6 weeks old she, of her own accord, fell into a pattern of going to bed, having me come in 6 hours later to dream feed her, coming in again 4 hours after that for another dream feed, and then getting up for the day after another 2 hours. She was sleeping for 12 straight hours at 6 weeks old. I was probably one of the most rested new moms ever. It was bliss. And we knew we’d never be that lucky again. Keep reading

What box?

Categories: Family, Life

I already have an idea for next Halloween and when I proposed it to Iddo she was initially excited. It’s an idea that would allow the kids to have input about what they want to be while still maintaining a family theme and it’s a theme they’re generally excited about anyway. I figured I’d nailed it! And then Iddo thought for a minute and suggested we be the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta for Halloween next year. Um… Keep reading

Where Everybody Knows Your Name

Categories: Education, Family, With the Kiddos

We’ve been going to the Children’s Museum Tucson pretty much every week for almost two years now. We’re regulars. We’re greeted enthusiastically when we show up. The employees have watched our kids grow up and are as excited about their growth as we are. … Everyone knows our names and watches out for my kids. Keep reading

He is our Father

Categories: Family, Gospel, Happy Things, Musings

We are God’s children. So that means He takes us when we’re having a tantrum and holds us on His lap and sings to us our special song until we’ve calmed down. That means He gets up with us in the middle of the night when we throw up and helps us change our sheets and get on new pjs. That means He stays up at night worried about how we’re going to make friends and what He can do to help protect us from the bad that is out there. Keep reading

The Unexpected Influence

Categories: Family, Happy Things

The kids loved trick-or-treating last night. They love wearing their costumes and people were giving them candy. Yea! But they also loved seeing all the people who came to our house as well. Keep reading