Category Archives: Family

My family. Anything and everything about us.

I remember at 6

Categories: Family, Remembers

I remember driving to Wyoming to visit Grandpa Giles. … Grandpa Nelson lived in Utah and we spent a lot of time at his house. Keep reading

I remember at 4

Categories: Family, Remembers

I remember picking out a stuffed dog for my sister when she was born and a doll for me. I remember her crib being at the foot of our bunk beds until we moved to the new house. Keep reading

I remember at 3

Categories: Education, Exercise, Family

I remember we lived in a yellow house with pansies and a sand box and snowball bushes along the back wall and the train would go behind our house. Keep reading

I remember at 2

Categories: Family, Remembers

The first memory I have that I can actually say is a memory is when my brother was born. Keep reading

Marriage is AWESOME!

Categories: Education, Family, Happy Things, Learn Something, Musings, Relationships, Work

There are some who might say I didn’t need a man. And on one level that might be true. But on a deeper level it couldn’t be further from the truth. Keep reading

Three birthdays, three temples

Categories: Family, Gospel

When I lived in Utah I had a goal to attend every LDS temple in the state. As of Saturday Brett and I have been to every temple in Arizona. Keep reading

Palindrome either way

Categories: Family, Happy Things

I’m now a palindrome either way you look at it – decimal (33) or binary (100,001). And it’s started out awesome!! Keep reading