Category Archives: Family

My family. Anything and everything about us.

How to Make a Baby

Categories: Family, Health, Infertility

Our original plan was to welcome our first child shortly after our first anniversary, when I was done with my coursework for my degree. But as the saying goes, man makes plans and God laughs. Our plans for when and how to have children were not God’s plans for us. Keep reading

Laws cannot change nature

Categories: Family, Gospel, Politics

“We call upon responsible citizens and officers of government everywhere to promote those measures designed to maintain and strengthen the family as the fundamental unit of society.” Keep reading

Estimated Delivery Dates

Categories: Family, Musings

Not only do our packages have estimated delivery dates (EDD), but so does the baby. Generally it’s referred to as an estimated due date (EDD) though with the baby. But same acronym. Keep reading

I like our boat

Categories: Family, Folks, Happy Things

A friend asked me if we had plans for an upcoming holiday, saying he knows we tend to do our own thing in our house and added a “whatever floats your boat” comment as well. I replied that I like our boat. Keep reading

Dreaming for two

Categories: Family, Random, Relationships

I’ve heard that bad dreams during pregnancy are common. I think it’s also a common graduate school symptom. So my dreams have been exceptionally bizarre lately. Keep reading

My First Mother’s Day

Categories: Family

Is this my first Mother’s Day? I still don’t technically have a child. She’s moving around a lot and is already displaying her personality. But we haven’t actually met her yet. Keep reading

Not giving up on our dreams

Categories: Family, Infertility

We’ve had many dreams over the last three years waiting for this little girl. And while they have been modified many times, the important thing was we did not give up on them, even when the skies got rough. Keep reading