Everyone has a story. And it’s a good story. But not everyone tells their story. It is our stories that connect us. Recording our story is very important.
I’ve kept a journal off and on since I was 8, daily between age 11 and 21, more sporadic at other times. I’ve thought I probably shouldn’t wait until I’m old to start compiling my own personal history. Because by then it will be a huge project. Right now it’s only a few decades worth of a project.
So this month, for National Blog Posting Month, I’m going to put a bit of a dent in the project. For each day of the month I’ll be telling a memory I have from that age. My first memory that is mine and not a story I’ve been told is when I was 2, which works out great. So you’ll get to find out about that memory tomorrow.
I’m really excited to tell a bunch of “I remember” stories this month. In 2008 I set out to make a quilt with one square for each year of my life. Which I haven’t completed yet (I just finished the Halloween wall hanging I started in 2006 last night, I’m on a roll!) so I’m working on making it for my next square birthday. Maybe I’ll tell some of the stories of those squares.
What things do you remember? How are you telling your story?
See also: The Record Keeper (6 June 2011)
At my age, I have a lot of memories. Most of them are written down.
I need to make sure all of mine are written down.
There are some things I would like to forget. But I seem to remember just fine. 😥
I think there are some things I remember just so I don’t do something that stupid again.