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sunTomorrow is when the majority of the United States will change the time on their clocks to be one hour ahead of what they say right now. It’s called Daylight Saving, because you save the daylight for after work rather than before so you can enjoy it more during the summer.

Every year there are people who complain about it. I have never understood that. I remember having to explain to someone that the day suddenly wasn’t 25 hour long with the change. That it was still three hours between when we woke up and when we left the house. The day was the same length, we were just calling where the sun was in the sky by a different name. So no complaining about the change! I think complaining is silly.

But I do want to make sure everyone knows that I now live in a place that does not follow this. And that is strange to me. I have always followed along with the Mountain time zone. But no longer. I still live in the Mountain time zone, but I’m stuck in standard now. In a strange way it’s like the movie Ground Hog Day. I’m just going to be doing standard over and over and over again without ever changing.

I’ve decided it makes sense here though. During the summer it’s really too hot to go outside till the sun starts to go down. So if the sun goes down earlier, there is still plenty of evening left to go out without it being really hot. It will just be dark.

In short, I’m going to be three hours behind you till November, Mom.

2 shared thoughts about Sunlight

  1. mom says:

    Honey, I’m so far ahead, you will never catch up. 🙂

  2. admin says:

    It is so weird to be living in the mountain time zone and not on mountain time. It’s a bit twilight zone-y for me right now.


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