Just need to ramble

Categories: Life
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Do you ever feel the need to ramble? Like you have so many thoughts and half thoughts crowding up your head you just need to get some of them out so you can make room for the important stuff. I get that way some times. There is so much going on inside my head that I can’t focus on anything. I remember times when I’ve tried to have conversations with people or have a meeting about something when my head has been like that. I don’t think those have ever been very productive. I get to the end and I have to ask what we just talked about and if I agreed to do anything. And I kind of just sit there with an empty look on my face.

Sometimes I get that way because I’m tired, and getting a few good night’s sleep really helps with that. Other times I get that way because there is just way too much going on in my life and I wore out my brain trying to focus on all of it. I think that’s what happened this time around. There are some big things going on in addition to my normally busy life, and my brain has just had enough and is slowly shutting down. I can get a few good hours out of it each day, and after that it’s a crap shoot if anything worthwhile will come out of me.

There are times when my head is so full and I can’t hold on to any one thought long enough to think it all the way through, that I just need to start clearing my head. The idea of a Pensieve in the Harry Potter books is completely applicable at times like these. I just need to empty my head of all the extra thoughts so there is room up there to bounce the good thoughts around till they make sense. Some of those random extra thoughts end up here. Some times I start writing the important thoughts in my journal so they can bounce around there and I can look at them. Some of the extra thoughts get dumped at the feet of my friends in random run-on emails or when I just start talking and can’t really stop and I just need someone to listen to my thoughts so they feel like they were worth something. I’m very grateful for my friends who just let me ramble at different times.

I just needed to ramble a bit today. Thank you for your time.

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