I have said “this one has my name on it” many a time when talking about different things, especially things made out of chocolate. Because if it has my name on it then I just have to eat it. That’s all there is to it. But I never really thought about where that saying came from.
I’m still not sure where it started, but I do know that it has a very long history.
Brett and I watched a PBS special a while back about the town of Herculaneum. 1,931 years and two days ago the town of Herculaneum was a bustling town in Italy. And then on August 24, 79, the entire town was destroyed when Mt. Vesuvius erupted. Because it was situated on a different side of the volcano than Pompeii, the destruction in Herculaneum was by hot lava rather than hot ash, but the destruction was still complete. And much of the town was preserved in similar fashion.
In fact, they even found bread at the bakery that had the names of nobles stamped into it. It had their name on it because it was their bread for them to come and buy.
So things really can have your name on it!
And now you know.
I was in a shoe store recently and apparently there’s a brand named Amanda. The shoes literally had my name on them! But I didn’t buy them.