Heaven is a library

Categories: Books, Education, Happy Things
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The BYU library is amazing!!

I went there last night because the U’s copy of The Josse Bass Reader on Teaching and Learning was lost. But the two schools have reciprocal agreements, so I was able to check out BYU’s copy last night. I need that book for one of my exam questions.

This is where I start to sound like a geek. The U only has half a shelf of LB 1025 books. The Y has two whole bookcases. I was in heaven. I sat down on the floor and started pulling out book after book trying to find a few others I could use as well. Heaven, I tell you. On the top shelf I noticed a book I’d heard of before and have on my Amazon wish list – An Elusive Science: The Troubling History of Education Research by Ellen Condliffe Lagemann. So I pulled it off the shelf and added it to my stack. As I was pulling it off I heard me tell myself, in Hermoine’s voice, that I was getting it just “for a bit of light reading.” I’m a geek. I read educational research books for light reading.

I love the smell of libraries too.

2 shared thoughts about Heaven is a library

  1. Miss Giggles says:
    Giggle Giggle

    I think more specifically, heaven is the BYU library. They have half a floor of children’s books there. The U of A only has a few cases.

    The U of A library is actually quite pitiful all around when compared with the beauty that is the BYU library. And now they’ve sent out a memo saying they are going to cut the library budget at the U of A by over a million dollars, stopping journal and database subscriptions and reducing book purchases, especially from small publishers and universities.

    The base of any institute of learning is its library. Not funding that will have repercussions that the administration can’t even begin to imagine.

  2. Pingback, 2 February 2009 at 3:40 pm
    Get understanding | Random Giggles

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