Marathon Training 2009

Categories: Exercise, Health
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That’s right. I’m doing another one. I’m not only going to graduate school and planning a wedding, I’m training for a marathon. In fact, the marathon is scheduled for 29 days after the wedding. And I’m doing that on purpose and with full support of Brett.42D

He and I agree that the regular running I’ll get training for a marathon will help me reduce all the stress of everything else. I’ll sleep better. I’ll eat better. Training for this marathon is what is going to keep me sane through everything else going on right now. A side benefit is how good running makes my legs look.

However, according to my training schedule, I have an 15 mile run the day before our wedding. I’ll have to tweak the schedule and do that earlier in the week I think. The 3-4 miler on the schedule for the wedding day fits with my plans for that morning, so we’ll stick with that.

And I’ve really noticed a difference too. My arms have been so incredibly tense the last couple of months or so. But the days I’ve gone running there is a noticeable difference in how bad the knots in my arms are.

Luckily, as my training gets more intense, the temperature should start going down. Because it’s just hot out there right now.

2 shared thoughts about Marathon Training 2009

  1. Mimi says:
    Giggle Giggle

    You just continue to amaze me! I have heard that running has many benefits. I have yet to try that theory, but I do enjoy walking!

  2. Miss Giggles says:
    Giggle Giggle

    This week I’ve been able to get my runs in during the twilight hours after class. Tonight it was even drizzling the whole time. I love running in the rain. A new runner once asked what you do when it rains when you are going to go running. Short answer – you get wet.

    Tuesday I realized I was wearing a head light on my head – I have a light I clip to the visor of my hat. And I had a rear light on my rear – I have a red flashing light that clips to the waist band of my shorts. That made me laugh for at least half a mile. 😆 And it made Brett laugh at me when I told him on Wednesday.


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