There are no more words left in my head. They are all gone. I’m out of words. I have spent the last two days holed up in my apartment writing final papers for all of my classes this semester. Tomorrow is the end of the semester, and of course every class assigned an approximate 10 page paper to be turned in this week. One class assigned two ten page papers. That is a lot of writing. When I woke up this morning I was having dreams about reference pages.
Monday morning I turned on my computer so I could email one of my finished papers to my professor, only to discover that the last few hours of work I’d done on it hadn’t saved. That’s a good way to kill morale and interrupt a good writing streak. I was able to recreate what I’d done, but I would’ve rather spent that time working on a different paper rather than rewriting one I thought I had already finished.
I’m doing pretty well at it though. I’m getting through it. And in the state of mental haze I’m finding myself, I’m actually pretty pleased with the papers I’m turning out. It will be nice when they are all done though.