Easter Dinner Review

Categories: Food
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I learned a new bread recipe a month or so ago. We mixed it up at an Enrichment activity and then I had to run to catch the end of Institute. I left Institute right after it ended because I had bread rising in my back seat. Which nobody thought was an odd excuse to leave so soon. I’m not sure what that means. It’s an easy recipe, but it really doesn’t work well as a wheat bread. I prefer my Lion House dinner roll recipe better. So I made those for Easter and they were yummy.

I also made a potato salad, even though I didn’t have any colored Easter eggs for it. I mixed it up Saturday night so the flavors could blend before dinner on Sunday. But I just finished up the last of it right now and it could’ve used another day or two to blend. It was much tastier today than it was Sunday. I left out the celery this year and that made it better. And I used some crisp Granny Smith apples in it and they were yummy.

We had a spinach/strawberry/craisin/blue cheese salad and it was yummy and some bright colors.

I also made cranberry jell-o because I can.

And for improvising the sauce and seasonings for the lamb chops (using my fresh grown chives too), they turned out real well.

The grape juice just topped it off.

It ended up being okay that I hadn’t cooked dessert because we were full. Even took a walk around the block with a beautiful sunset to let it all settle.42D

When I want to be, I’m a pretty dang good cook.

2 shared thoughts about Easter Dinner Review

  1. Mimi says:

    Sounds good! Do you want to cook for our family? We had the strangest meals on Easter sunday, but it was a laid back day and we spent some time talking about the real meaning behind the holiday.

  2. Pays says:

    Now I’m hungry!


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