Tonight I introduced our kids to pomegranates. We have a pomegranate bush in our front yard that has gorgeous flowers in the spring and then we get fruit that the birds love to eat. But we’ve never eaten the fruit off it because it doesn’t ripen to where we can eat it before the birds do and the few we have opened the seeds have been white so I don’t know if it’s the eating kind or not. So the bush with the pretty flowers and then the balls we have to pick up when they fall off is what our kids knew about pomegranates until tonight.

Last week they were on sale at the grocery store so I had Brett pick up two. He wondered if they were for something specific. Nope. Just thought they kids might find them interesting. For dinner tonight I cracked one open and pulled out all the seeds and gave them each a few to see what they thought. Then I had to give them each a handful because they all thought it was super yummy.
I love introducing our kids to new things. There is so much in the world for them to still explore and that I get to be part of some of that is such an adventure for me too. I get to see it all new again through their eyes.
That is beautiful! You are very lucky to have that in your yard.
But, it would be even better if you could eat them. 😀
I don’t think I had pomegranate until I was a teenager, so I’m glad your kids didn’t have to wait that long. 😉
It’s OK; I didn’t eat a pomelo until well after we were married.
Come to think of it, I may never eat one again, but oh, the experience!
It’s a fun adventure, that’s for sure! And now they know the full circle, not that they come from just the store. 🙂