Meet Giggles
I am an educator and PhD. I quilt, belly dance, run, read, and try to grow things. I am a Mormon. I am infertile. I am a daughter, sister, aunt, grand-daughter, friend, wife, and mom. more...
Posts I’m Proud Of
What I’m Reading
- Living With Enthusiasm
by L. Tom Perry
131 pages
Started: 3 February 2014 - The Castle of Llyr
by Lloyd Alexander
206 pages
Started: 2 February 2014
- Living With Enthusiasm
Shared Thoughts
Brett L. Dennis - Popcorn on the Christmas Tree
Mama g - Popcorn on the Christmas Tree
Mama g - A Hebrew Alphabet Quiet Book
Giggles - A Hebrew Alphabet Quiet Book
Brett L. Dennis - A Hebrew Alphabet Quiet Book
AmandaStretch - Talent Show!
Mama g - Where Everybody Knows Your Name
Monthly Archives: November 2016
The Reader, Part 3
Categories: Books, Challenges, Remembers
When I started teaching school I met some amazing people. We had a sixth grade teacher at our school who showed me how her kids kept track of their reading. They each had a sheet of paper with a chart on it, one row for each book. The columns were title, author, pages, start, finish, and rating. I liked it. And since I’d recently started my own website (this one), I decided I’d turn the paper chart into an electronic one on my website and I started keeping track of all the books I read. And since I had more space than just a row on a chart I added in a review of the books as well. And that is how “Giggles Book Log” came to be. Keep reading
1 Shared thought
Making where I am home
Categories: Life
I just realized that as of next month I will have lived in Tucson longer then I have lived in any other city. … When people ask where I’m from I’m not sure if they’re asking where I live now, where I was born, or where I grew up. … People have also asked if Brett and I have family in the area and that’s why we moved here. Neither of us had family here at the time, but we do now because we have each other. Keep reading
A Taste of Home
We invite many people to our homes as guests. They are welcomed into some kind of front room where there’s a nice sofa to sit on and the floor has probably been swept or vacuumed before they arrived and the clutter was stashed elsewhere. They might even be provided with some type of food or drink refreshment. But that doesn’t make them part of the home. To invite someone into your kitchen is to invite them into your family. Keep reading
A Social Testimony
Categories: Gospel, Science & Tech
This past May I was given the opportunity to talk in sacrament meeting about how to share our testimonies using social media. It’s a bit of a strange topic, but I had a lot of fun with it. I thought I’d share, via the internet, some of the things I shared in church, kind of bring the whole thing full circle. Keep reading
Being the Adult
Categories: Life
Yesterday for me being the adult meant I could have tater tots and M&Ms for lunch while watching Star Trek: TNG. Last night being an adult meant I got up at 4am when Shimri threw up , cleaned her up, and then held her on my chest while she dozed fitfully and threw-up four more times, before we both finally fell asleep for a little over half an hour around 8:30 in the morning. Keep reading
Categories: Learn Something
I will not take your quiz to see if I am right-brained or left-brained. … I will also not take your test to see what personality I have. … I will, however, take a nap. Or a break. Or go for a run. Or do some sewing. Because that’s what my brain really needs. Keep reading
How incredible is my body!
Categories: Exercise, Happy Things, Health
The pre-teen and teen years can be rough on a girl. Knowing that our girls (well, all of our kids) are going to take some kind of hit like that at some point in the future, I’ve set about to build them up just as high as I can so that when that hit does come it doesn’t knock them completely flat. That doesn’t mean I’m constantly telling them they are beautiful and smart. Although I do tell them that. … And I hope I’m leading by example. Keep reading