I am very Olympic Today

Categories: Featured, Olympics, With the Kiddos
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Olympic ringsWe’ve found several ways to incorporate the Olympic Rings in our week. And now Iddo is pointing out the Olympic circles every time she sees them.

Monday afternoon we pulled out the paint and the kids all did an Olympic Rings art project. We were even able to do a 3-year-old version and a 1-year-old version. Iddo used a small cup to stamp circles on her paper with the Olympic colors. For Shimri and Shimei I put tiny blobs of paint on the paper in the positions of the rings and they got to finger paint them around. I liked the results from both versions.

Random Giggles | Olympic Rings Printing
Random Giggles | Olympic Rings Finger Painting
Random Giggles | Olympic Rings Finger Painting

I’ve been able to convince Iddo to let me try different things with her hair. When we use elastics they’re called “fancies” in our house. Friday she let me do Olympic circles fancies, as long as we pretend that purple is black because, as she pointed out, we don’t have any black fancies.

Random Giggles | Olympic Rings Hair

And for dinner Friday night we had Olympic Rings dips.

Blue – blue colored ranch dressing
Black – chocolate sauce
Red – salsa
Yellow – creamy lemon fruit dip
Green – guacamolé

Random Giggles | Olympic Rings Dips

We dipped apples, strawberries, grapes, carrots, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, tortilla chips, and tiny sugar cookies.

Random Giggles | Olympic Rings Dips Dinner

Iddo said it best after dinner Friday, “I am very Olympic today.”

4 shared thoughts about I am very Olympic Today

  1. HeidiAphrodite says:
    1 person giggled Giggle

    Love it. 🙂

  2. Denicend says:
    1 person giggled Giggle

    So clever. I loved Lauren’s hair!

  3. Brett says:
    1 person giggled Giggle

    I am very Olympic today too. :brett:

  4. 1 person giggled Giggle



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