The three things I want our kids to know about Easter are, in order, Jesus, candy, and new clothes. There was a basket of candy in the living room Sunday morning with new clothes all laid out next to it but no talk of any Easter bunny bringing it, it was just there. There was also a small toy in it for each of our kids. I used a super easy Spring Friends pattern to make little chicks the perfect size for our kids’ little hands that each have their own little egg to hide in. I went with the chicks instead of the bunnies because I didn’t want to have to explain to Iddo that her bunny was in an egg but bunnies don’t really come from eggs.

I must say our cute little chicks are a lot better than this very anatomically incorrect chick I saw at the store. What is this thing? Explaining that bunnies don’t come from eggs would easier than explaining that chickens don’t have four legs. Unless this represents some new genetically modified chicken that will have four drumsticks. He looks a little concerned at the thought too.

Your creativity never ceases to amaze me.
Those are very important things to remember about Easter. We always did our baskets on Saturday to separate the secular from the religious, but your way works too. We always got our religious Easter gift on Sunday – new LDS songbook, pictures of Jesus, etc. Blake and I were just discussing this over the weekend, naturally. Not sure what we’ll do with our own kids yet, but as an adult I may have gone a little overboard on the 50% off candy yesterday. :whistle:
Don’t knock evolution until you try it. :brett: