Monthly Archives: November 2014

I love to see the temple

Categories: Gospel

When we toured the Phoenix Temple before its dedication I noticed that on at least 90% of the walls there was a painting of Christ. Because Iddo made it a point to point all of them out, repeatedly, throughout the entire tour. Keep reading

How to help the earth

Categories: Education, Science & Tech

Today I saw this delightful clip of Neil deGrasse Tyson telling a 6-year-old what she can do to help the earth. I hope we’re helping Iddo help the earth in this way. Keep reading

What have we learned?

Categories: Family, Relationships

Today over lunch I asked Brett what he’s learned in 5 years of marriage. He didn’t need much time to think about it before he came back with that he’s learned he really dodged the bullet. Keep reading


Categories: Family, Happy Things, Relationships

Here are some of the not-too-sappy and public-appropriate reasons why I am blessed to be married to Brett, in no particular order. Keep reading

Wedding memories

Categories: Family, Happy Things

This weekend we celebrate our fifth wedding anniversary. … I remember what it was like to be single. But I can’t imagine being anywhere else but here now. Keep reading

Happy Veterans’ Day

Categories: Musings

My grandpa served in the Army during WWII. I have cousins (and cousin-in-laws) who have served in different branches of the military. We have a nephew who just joined the Air Force. We have several friends here with husbands in the Air Force as well. I am grateful for all of their service and proud to know them. … Thank you to all who serve in whatever capacity you do. Keep reading

The Power of Dad

Categories: Family

There might not be a lot of research yet on the importance of fathers, but it is coming. In the mean time I have a lot of anecdotal evidence of just the kind of positive power a good dad can have in the lives of his children, a super power both my dad and my husband share. Keep reading