Sometimes the right words make all the difference. But sometimes you don’t need to worry about finding the right words because everything else is right. And sometimes you don’t need any words at all.
I look at little Iddo and I know that the things in her life are right even though she has no words for them. I don’t know that I always have words for those right things in my life either. Words for our family and all I have within the walls of our home seem inadequate for how right the things are.
I have a hard time with words also — they seem so inadequate when I want to express my deep love for my family — and I do love each of you so very much!
She might disagree that she doesn’t have the words for them. What part of “ba ba ba gah gah” don’t you understand, Mom? :brett:
I KNOW you understand “Mmmmmmm! MMMMMMMMM!!” :brett: