A lot of news agencies and such are doing their “Top 13 stories of 2013” right now. Last year I didn’t do a year-end summary in large part because we were still keeping the main stories of the year from the general public (miscarriage in February, surgery in August, pregnancy). And my 2011 summary left out the large stories as well (surgery in September, miscarriage in December). As I was thinking back over 2013 it seemed there were really only 2 “top stories,” and we mentioned those in our Christmas letter, so making a bigger list seemed silly. But I think I can still pull out 13 “top stories” for the year. Here we go:
- Iddo was born.
- I graduated with my Ph.D. Interesting thing of note. This past Sunday the Sunday School teacher had us list 5 life goals. I quickly wrote down 4 and then got stuck. “Get Ph.D.” had been on my life goal list for a while and I hadn’t thought of anything to replace it with. Eventually I wrote it down on the list on Sunday and put a check mark by it. Nobody had said you couldn’t list life goals you’ve already accomplished.
- We went to Utah for Iddo’s baby blessing and the Giles “100 Year” reunion.
- We participated in the Walk of Hope. Last year we walked for Iddo. This year we are walking for her and her potential siblings. We greatly appreciate all who donated last year to our team. You can donate to our team this year here. We’re thinking about making Iddo a shirt that says “The Embryo Who Lived” on it for the walk this time.
- We painted over Tigger as we started transforming the Tigger room to the Turtle room in our house. I still need to blog about that. The painting at least is finished even if the room isn’t.
- We served in the temple every month. June we cut it real close, going three days before Iddo got here. And the past six months have been an adventure as we’ve traded off sitting outside with her or serving inside. But it’s worked.
- We went to the Piano Guys concert (also cutting it close).
- We paid off my student loans. Before I graduated even. Yea!!
- We wrote and called our state legislator when she supported a bill that challenged our daughter’s right to life.
- Iddo and I watched Brett work the chains at the football games this season. I red-shirted the season and plan to be back in action next year.
- I quit work for the foreseeable future. I substituted at the high schools from October 2012 through May of this year. I loved sending the email telling them I wasn’t coming back.
- We got a new roof because a monsoon storm blew off part of it.
- I completed the requirements for the Young Womanhood Recognition Award as a leader. After 2.5 years as the Young Woman president in our ward I was released last Sunday. It was a life changing experience.
Not bad for 2013. I didn’t get nearly as many bubble baths or spend nearly as much time in the hammock as I’d hoped at the beginning of the year. But it was still a real good year. Here’s to 2014!

Thirteen top stories down. Only two thousand to go!
Now that I know a little something about what it means to redshirt, I don’t know if I’m so comfortable with you and Iddo doing that anymore. :brett:
Sounds like a great year!