Monthly Archives: April 2013

Running the Boston Marathon

Categories: Exercise, Happy Things

Running Boston is something that is on my list of things to do in life, but obviously I’m not crossing it off today. Today I’ll barely make it walking around the block at a nice leisurely pace. Keep reading

Mutant food!

Categories: Food

All of our plant foods have been genetically modified in some form or another by some farmer at some point. They are all a hybrid in one form or fashion. Keep reading

What regulations?

Categories: Life, Science & Tech, Venting

The FCC wants to allow random f-words and female frontal nudity on tv just because. We have till the end of the month to tell them that’s ridiculous. Keep reading

Spring in Southern Arizona

Categories: Happy Things

It’s going to be hot, over 100 degrees hot, soon. But for right now it’s Spring. And there are a lot of things I love about Spring here. Keep reading

Windows of Heaven

Categories: Education, Gospel, Happy Things

No accountant in the world could ever work out how it happens that returning 10% of our income to the Lord means we can cover all of our necessary expenses, but it does. Keep reading


Categories: Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting

Who in their right mind would pay that much for a pattern?! Especially since they go on sale for $1 each month. Keep reading