I frequently wake up with a song stuck in my head. It is generally a song I’ve heard recently on the radio or elsewhere. Rarely do I think anything of it.
But the other morning I awoke with a song stuck in my head and it confused me. Yes, it was a song I knew. But it wasn’t a song I had thought about for more than two decades. What in the world during my sleep had prompted the memory of that song to come jumping out of the recesses of my mind?
I know they say that memories never leave. Our brains have unlimited capacity to hold every single memory we have ever had (and even the ones we make up). The seeming phenomenon of forgetting is actually that we lose the strong connections that tie that particular memory to other memories. In the large card catalog of our brain we’ve lost the particular card associated with that memory, making it hard to find on the shelf.
Which is why I’m so confused that all of a sudden my brain has decided to start singing the song “The Ice Cream Cone” from the beginner piano book John W. Schaum Piano Course: Pre-A – The Green Book. I haven’t thought of or played that song in how many years? Maybe it’s just been too long since I’ve had a real good ice cream cone and my subconscious thinks I need to do something about it.
What is the strangest song that has ever been stuck in your head?
Oh, that’s a hard one because I always have songs in my head. For many years I had the song “Happy Talk” from South Pacific going round and round in my head. Now that was strange. But for several years now it’s been page 172 from the hymn book “In Humility Our Savior”. I like this one better. It calms me down when I’m stressed. 🙂
The real question is: Can you remember how to play it?
We looked it up on-line last night and I was real close on how it was played.
I memorized it :brett:
Good for you Brett. You can play it for us next time we come. 🙂
Smile, Be Happy
Also a jingle “You wonder where the yellow went, when you brush your teeth with Pepsodent.”
The other day, I was cooking and asked Blake “Were you just singing ‘I’ve Been Working On the Railroad’?” “Not for a couple of decades now . . .” No idea how that popped into my head.