Just need to choose a font

Categories: Education, Life, Musings
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Working on my five-year plan, just need to choose a font.
– Chuck Bartowski

Five years ago today I moved to Tucson with a five-year plan to get a PhD. Turns out it is going to be exactly four months longer than five years. But pretty close.

And now it’s time for a new five-year plan, once I pick the font for it of course. And I’m just a tad stuck this time. For the first time in my life my five-year plan will not include me being a formal student.

My very first five-year plan involved getting ready for kindergarten. That plan worked out real well. Then there was the seven-year plan to get from kindergarten through sixth-grade in elementary school. Then my three-year plan to maneuver through junior high (a longer plan would’ve been disastrous). Graduating with honors from high school was another three-year plan.

College ended up being a six-year plan between not being satisfied with the bare minimum and taking a break for a mission. After graduating from college my plan was teach for two or three years and then go back to school for a Masters for two-years. Which brings me to the five-year plan I’m currently wrapping up.

My plans have always included formal learning. My next plan will definitely include learning in some form, but not the formal kind. So I’m at a bit of a loss actually now. What do I do with my life now? What does my next five-year plan include?

Maybe it’s just that the adventure starts now. Now it’s time for the road less traveled, the paths diverging in the woods, boldly going where I’ve never gone before.

My plans have been great so far. It’s going to be fun to basically make one up from scratch now that it isn’t quite so obvious.

Whatever my plan, you can bet it’s going to have a real snazzy font.

7 shared thoughts about Just need to choose a font

  1. Brett says:

    Whatever your plans include, I hope learning Latin is a line-item somewhere (how about Times New Roman?) :brett:

  2. Whitney says:

    Excited to see what you come up with, you are so accomplished!

  3. mama g says:
    1 person giggled

    Wow, so it was just 5 years ago that I drove through a deep winter storm, then around Lake Mead in the dark of night, then through SURPRISE AZ and filled up with gas, and ended up in Summery Tuscon Arizona. Who knew. :p

  4. Denice says:

    Your next five years will be wonderful and we are so grateful to be part of your life!

  5. Mitali says:

    Love that quote and love that you’re making a Five Year Plan. I should write one… but I have a feeling I’ll get stuck at the font choice. SO many pretty fonts. Have you visited ilovetypography?

    • Giggles says:

      That’s one of our favorite lines from the TV show “Chuck.” And that’s saying a lot because there are a LOT of good lines.

      Picking the font is one of the hardest things any time I have to do something typography wise. I wish my word processor would organize them by type instead of alphabetically. 🙂


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