Choosing to fly a jet

Categories: Education, Family, Gospel, Science & Tech, Work
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My career choice was to be a mother.
– Ann Romney

I have a book put together by my classmates when I was in 6th grade about me. I was the student of the week and they did a large group interview of me and then had to write a one page thing about me. We were encouraged to make them unique, they could be wanted posters or magazine articles or creative things of that nature.

In sixth-grade I was going to be an astronaut/teacher/author. So there are “about the author” pages in there and magazine stories about me teaching school in a rocket ship.

I still love space. As evidenced by the set-up we did this summer to watch the solar eclipse and the Venus transit. And by Brett’s choice of when to propose to me. That guy really knows me. :heart:

I would’ve loved to be an astronaut. To see the world from that perspective. To see the stars that clearly. To feel that free and weightless. I still dream of it.

But it did not take me long to decide that being an astronaut was probably not the right career choice for me. I could have made it work, but it would have interfered with other plans I had for my life.

I believe in keeping the Sabbath day holy, and part of that means attending church services, not exactly something that’s possible on a space ship. And I want to be at the crossroads for the members of my family. I love waving good-bye to Brett in the morning and welcoming him home in the evening.

I’ve been a teacher at different levels and that part of my life is still full of possibilities. And some day I will be writing a book, hopefully one someone will want to publish even, and something more exciting than a bound edition of my dissertation. And while I might not fly to space, taking a ride in a hot air balloon and learning to fly a plane are on my list of things to do some day. And I find this xkcd about the Saturn 5 rocket that was used for the Apollo missions to be hilarious. Maybe I should take up model rockets as a hobby again.

2 shared thoughts about Choosing to fly a jet

  1. Brett says:
    Giggle Giggle

    Yes. Yes, I really do know you.

    I would love to see the world from space. I would not, however, want to vomit in space, which is what would happen first. There is something about weightlessness and wooziness that according to my limited understanding would not mix well. I think I will be content to watch Nova series by Brian Greene. :brett:

  2. Denice says:
    Giggle Giggle

    I would also like to see the world from space but I would need to be inclosed. I could never get out of a space ship and do a walk.


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