Meeting Friends

Categories: Books, Relationships, Science & Tech
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“I need to go meet my friend” doesn’t necessarily mean I am going to meet up with them at some designated place that we have both planned. It can also mean that I actually have to go physically meet these people who are my friends, giving them a “long time no see” type of hug when we’ve never seen each other before. But that’s the way things work some times.

Like when I met Heidi. She and I met on an online forum months before I finally got up the courage to say hi to her at her work.

My favorite example is my husband (he’s my favorite example for a lot of things). We met through emails two months before we met in person. And you can see how well that went. :heart: 😉

And last night he and I both went and met another friend of ours, Meg, whose blog I started reading in 2008 and then started commenting on and then we emailed a few times and she put some things I wrote on her blog. She’s just wrapping up a national book tour via Amtrak and her train was stopping in our town on her way home. So we met her at the station and it was just like old friends. Private book talk/signing in a sleeper car.

Old friends meeting for the first time. That’s one of the benefits of technology.

4 shared thoughts about Meeting Friends

  1. Mom says:
    1 person giggled Giggle

    Sounds like a fun meet up. :cactus: 🙂

  2. Denice says:
    1 person giggled Giggle

    WOW! How exciting! What a neat experience. :star:

  3. 1 person giggled Giggle

    That’s so awesome! Hooray for Meg and private book signings!

  4. Pingback, 9 March 2013 at 4:04 pm
    Small world | Random Giggles

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