I’m in a book!

Categories: Books, Happy Things, Relationships
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You might recall that I have been a guest writer on a particular blog twice now. I wrote about our wedding and about making holiday traditions your own for the blog A Practical Wedding. I started reading that blog before Brett and I were really dating because I was really interested in Jewish wedding traditions. And then I stayed because it was funny and down to earth, and, surprise, practical. And that’s why I still read it. It’s more than a blog about weddings it’s a blog about being adults and doing what really matters and sanity. All very good things.

The most I did with wedding books and magazines when we were planning our wedding was look at them and laugh. We didn’t buy a single one. I checked out the website The Knot once or twice and did even more laughing when I found out that according to their time line we should’ve picked out napkins before we even said “I love you” for the first time and that by the time we got engaged we were about six months too late to pick out a photographer.

And then Meg, who writes A Practical Wedding wrote a wedding book this year and it’s being published this month. The book is a portable condensed version of the blog.

In April I got an email from the book editor asking permission to quote me in the book and requesting a short bio to be included. I’m in a book! Of course I’d like to write my own some day (although if you look up my name as author at the BYU library you will find something I wrote), but being quoted in a book is a good first start. The book is A Practical Wedding: Creative Solutions for a Beautiful, Affordable, and Meaningful Celebration. And I just pre-ordered my copy today, not because I’ll ever plan another wedding for me, but because I’m in the book and because I’ll know people who are planning weddings some day.

I’m told my bio is on page 212, and that’s a palindrome. So that’s real cool.

6 shared thoughts about I’m in a book!

  1. Mom says:
    2 people giggled Giggle

    Yay to you and to Meg too. 🙂

  2. Brett says:
    1 person giggled Giggle

    Well, not to one-up you, but I’m in in about 70% of the books I own. (I usually include my email address there too.)

    Congratulations! I’m proud of you! :brett:

    • Giggles says:
      2 people giggled Giggle

      How many books that other people own are you in?

      Couldn’t have done it without out you. Literally. Since the quotes she used are about our wedding. :lisa:

  3. Denice says:
    2 people giggled Giggle

    May I have your autograph? That is cool.

  4. J. says:
    2 people giggled Giggle

    That’s way cool. How fun it will be to see your name there. My brother is an animator and I remember watching the movies he worked on clear til the end just so I could see his name. It’s the only time I watched the credits ;). Congrats.

  5. Mitali says:
    1 person giggled Giggle

    Ooh! That’s cool! Congratulations!!! And the book got great reviews, too!


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