Monthly Archives: June 2011

Maybe you should water it

Categories: Musings

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Keep reading

Southwest Salad

Categories: Food, Work

We like eating chicken salads at our place. Anything cool and filling is good food 10 months out of the year. … We had some leftover black beans and I decided we’d have a southwest salad. … And Grover! Keep reading

HP7^2 – trailer#2

Categories: Random

Because you need a few good chills running down your spine. Keep reading


Categories: Learn Something, Musings

If you break the word down you get photo- and -graph (or you could be real weird and break it down to pho-to-gra-ph, or p-hot-og-rap-h, or some other weird division, and then it doesn’t mean anything). Keep reading

You’ve got to have a dream

Categories: Books, Education, Family, Happy Things, Life

This is *not* a bucket list. I’m just fine if some of these things never happen. But if you gave me the time and money, I’d go cross some of these things off. Keep reading

The Record Keeper

Categories: Family, Life

The best way to make sure the story of your life is told in generations to come is to tell it yourself. So start telling. Keep reading

All or nothing

Categories: Meme, Questions

When I go out I’m generally either going to school, which requires a whole big bag, or I’m with Brett, in which case I depend on him to have keys and money. … Here’s the all… Keep reading