Ice dancing – Original Dance: Brett has decided that they require twizzles because they think it’s funny when the commentators say it over and over again. The French did a can-kind-of! I do like the theme of folk-dancing though. Other French girl skinned a muppet for her skirt. Love the India one by the Americans. Also liked the Italian Tarantella
Two-Man Bobsled: I like the sack the American 1 driver wears on his head at the top.
Ski Jumping: Brett is wondering how long you have to be on your feet to count as landing the jump. Can you go three feet and then crash and have it still count? I’m thinking it’s a good thing they ski jump in the winter when there aren’t any bugs because a lot of them jump with their mouth open. Imagine if a bug flew in and they started to cough and sputter and then they’d fall out of the ski and break a leg and that would be bad.
Ice Dancing – Free Skate: I like the ones that had the theme of time. And go France! That was inspiring. I like the Russian’s firebird’s wings. Go Canada!!!