Brett has been studying Hebrew for many years, but this year he really got serious about it. He’s now read all the way through Exodus 32 in Hebrew. He’s been reviewing for the last bit before starting back again in January. Every night I would ask him what his new words that he learned that day were.42D
I’ve even managed to learn a few Hebrew words. I know the verbs “to wander,” “to confuse,” “to urge,” and the word for “skull.” Brett finds my Hebrew vocabulary to be a bit strange. I do manage to use it in conversation with him from time to time though.
And he says he wants to teach our children this song.
Then they’ll know the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. It’s because Hebrew has a whole different alphabet that I don’t think I’ll ever really know it. I think I’ll just go back as far as Latin myself (and that’s on our list of things to learn).
After reading for the evening, he listens to a reading of the same verses by a Hebrew man, someone we lovingly refer to as, “Quirky Hebrew Man,” from the Academy of Ancient Languages. He says he wants to be Quirky Hebrew Man for Halloween next year. That should be interesting. In a way, he already is my own quirky Hebrew man.