Small creativity

Categories: Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting
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I’ve done a few small crafty/sewing projects lately.

At the end of last Fall semester I got back into knitting to save my sanity. It really is relaxing. I started looking for quick easy projects to knit up. I found a few baby bootie patterns and I think these turned out real well. And they were fast. I’m going to have to knit up some more.

Almost two years ago I made this outfit to wear at a belly dance recital:

That night the skirt was closed with safety pins because I hadn’t gotten the zipper in. The sleeve holes were just zigzagged because I didn’t get the sleeves in. And the front of the top was held together with safety pins as well because I didn’t get the hooks and eyes in (I’m notorious for getting costumes finished on the way to the party). When I got home I put it in a sack in my sewing box (one of my sewing boxes) and figured I’d finish it later.

Monday night I was digging through my box looking for flannel actually, to make a small little monster. But I got distracted by that bag, I finally pulled it out and put the zipper and sleeves in. I think I’m going to do eyelets and ribbon on the front instead of hooks and eyes though. But it’s definitely wearable without safety pins now.

After I finished being distracted, I decided the scraps would make a perfect little monster. So here’s my belly dancing monster. I think she turned out great. I’m going to have to make some more varieties of these too.

4 shared thoughts about Small creativity

  1. Giggle

    Ooh. I like the monster.

  2. Mom says:

    I like the monster too :love:

  3. emeth_veneeman says:

    The monster was hiding under my bed the other night. It scared me.

  4. Miss Giggles says:

    I didn’t know belly dancers scared you.


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