I answered the summons to report to jury duty yesterday. These are some things I learned.
- 6:00am smells good. I don’t know either. But it just does.
- Generally speaking, crazy people ride the normal bus and normal people ride the express bus.
- “Peers” has a whole new meaning to me now. Peers apparently means people who walk on two legs like you, breathe the same air as you, and live in the same city as you. Because a “jury of peers” for me would’ve looked a lot different than a good 99% of the people in that room.
- Always choose the bus with the least number of crazy people on it, even if that bus will take you longer to get to your destination.
- Sparkly flip-flops are okay in court. Leather sandals are okay in court. Rubber crocs are okay in court. But rubber sandals aren’t? I’m still figuring that one out.
- If you aren’t in the first 12 of the group, you probably won’t have to answer a lot of questions.
- Being 26 weeks pregnant with twins and being under orders to be on bed rest is not good enough to get you excused.
- Women are more likely to be selected than men (5 to 1 for that case).
- I should get a bumper sticker before I get selected next.
I looked at a sign that had something like this on it for a good twenty minutes (I was reading homework at the same time too, just glancing at this thing) before I finally figured out what it is.
- County court has a lot more money than city court.
- Some of those guys in orange jump suits don’t realize what they did was wrong if they can laugh about being there and being chained up.
- There are a lot of crime tv shows out there.
And that’s what I learned from a day in court.
6:00pm yesterday also smelled good. But it smelled like flowers. Especially the orange blossoms. They smelled yummy.
I want it to smell springy here. Still smells awfully wintery.
Every time I’m in court, I’m actually appearing on behalf of myself (as the defense, stupid reckless driving ticket) or the prosecution (that was a weird day). It would be strange to actually be on the jury side of things.
And five brownie points to the person who can figure out what that hand thing is.
“Something *like* this?” Oh, I think someone explained it to me once, but I have to ask first… was the one on your sign using the index finger too?
“Something like this” because I had to create that image since I didn’t take a picture of the actual sign. But yes, it was using the index finger. It was an official sign posted on the court doors.
Oh. Never mind then.
Now I’m curious. But I would never put something vulgar on here, not knowingly anyway.
It’s a finger in front of lips. Where is your head, emeth?
Hey! Lisa’s the one posting offensive pictures on her website.
There was a letter in the mail from Pima county today. I was real confused because I did my taxes to be direct deposit, so the government shouldn’t be mailing me money.
Then I opened it, and the government is supposed to be mailing me money. It was my jury payment!
Now, how to stimulate the economy best with almost nine whole dollars?
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