Monthly Archives: February 2009

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Categories: Family, Relationships

Happy Valentine’s Day! I must admit to actually liking this holiday, no matter my relationship status on this day. I think it is a lot of fun. But that probably has a lot to do with the environment I find … Keep reading

Randomly random

Categories: Books, Education, Exercise, Family, Gospel, Meme, Random, Science & Tech, Work

There is a meme going around Facebook where in you write down 25 random things about you and then tag 25 of your friends with the idea that they will then do the same. Except if you are tagging someone … Keep reading

Let it snow!

Categories: News, Random

It was only partly cloudy at 7:30 this evening. Now that it is almost 10:00pm, it is completely cloudy. But says it’s only 52 outside. That’s actually just a little cold for here compared to the last week. In … Keep reading

An Ode to Thumbs

Categories: Health, Random

I’ll never know how so many live Their lives just fine without The wonder of opposable thumbs. More than just a simple result Of years of hard evolution Truly a modern opposable miracle. For tying shoes or doing buttons, For … Keep reading

My favorite things

Categories: Books, Exercise, Food, Happy Things, Random

When Oprah does her “favorite things” show, she gives everyone in the audience her favorite things. I can’t really do that. But these are some things that make me happy and some of the things that are on my “some … Keep reading

If I could write

Categories: Happy Things, Random

You need opposable thumbs to write, and I don’t have two of those right now. But I do like to write. These are my favorite things to write with. I’m a bit particular with what I use too. For highlighters … Keep reading

Get understanding

Categories: Books

Last year I set the goal for myself to read 52 books during the year. And I did! I read 54 actually. And it was great. The variety of books I read really surprised me, but I learned so much. … Keep reading