Finda-se este dia

Categories: Education, Family, Gospel, Life, Musings, Questions, Relationships
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This day ends.

There are many different hymns that I love. Several of them I considered to be okay before my mission. But on my mission they gained a deeper meaning for me. The English and Portuguese hymn books do not have all the same hymns. There are many that are in the English one that are not in the Portuguese one. And there are a few that are in the Portuguese one that are not in English. Oração para a Noite is one of those. (Many of the lines can be found in Now the Day is Over (which is much longer than what is actually in the hymn book), but the lines are much better in Portuguese.) It’s a beautiful lullaby, one I hope to sing to my children some day. I’ve decided to pull my titles for November from that hymn.

At the end of the day.

At the end of the day, what really matters? At the end of the day, what did you do? At the end of the day, was the day worth it?

For me, at the end of the day, what really matters is that I know who I am. I know what I am worth. I know I am loved. At the end of the day, I have loved. At the end of the day I have lived (some days more than others, but there’s always at least something interesting happening).

As this day ends, family, friends, my experiences, my understanding and knowledge, and especially my faith – those are the things that matter.

2 shared thoughts about Finda-se este dia

  1. Giggle Giggle

    You know, I totally agree. Even on awful days, I try to find at least one thing that was worth it. Maybe my personal life was blah but I got something done at work or school, or the other way around. I think it’s one reason we pray at night, so that we remember we have at least one person out there who cares about us and that we care about right back.

  2. Mimi says:
    Giggle Giggle

    I loved singing hymns in Portuguese. Today in primary we sang Called to Serve. I still think of the words in Portuguese and feel the Spirit when I sing it in any language!


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