Just so’s ya know

Categories: Politics, Science & Tech
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If you visited my site yesterday, for several hours during the afternoon, and a little bit in the evening, you might have noticed some real weird things. I was trying to figure out the whole column layout thing in CSS and php.

And since I don’t really know CSS or php, it was a whole wonderfully frustrating experience in trial and error. Lots of error. Lots and lots.

After several frustrating hours, I finally figured it out. I had to move one line of code from the end of a file to the beginning of a file on three different files. And that was it. Just that simple.

I clapped for myself when I figured it out. 😀 There probably won’t be too many other people who would clap for me on this, but I think it’s pretty darn cool what I did.

I was also setting up some fun themes to use the rest of the year (this pretty Fall one inspired me). You might have caught them for a minute or two yesterday or a few days ago. You’ll see them later. That part of CSS I have figured out.

The images on the blog all work (I think). But there might be some links back to the rest of my site that I haven’t caught yet. If you find one, let me know.

And I have a few more touch-ups I want to try to put in, so expect my blog to go weird every now and then. I do enjoy a computer challenge every now and then.

And, I double checked, I am registered to vote next month.

You’ll probably be hearing more about that later too.

And remember to smile today. Smile and the whole world smiles with you. Which seems fitting for World Smile Day.

One shared thought about Just so’s ya know

  1. hirsute says:

    Yeah, CSS is a really cool concept, and its implementation is getting better all the time, but occasionally you still run into something that is pretty broken. I remember building a web page that used only CSS for organization, and it looked awesome in FF; okay in Opera, Safari, and a few similar ones; and horrible in IE. While not a huge surprise, it ended up being completely insurmountable, so I had to go back to using regular old tables to organize things.


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