Happy Birthday MissGiggles.com!

Categories: Books, Education, Family, Gospel, Life, Proclamations, Science & Tech, Work
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MissGiggles.com Turns 5 Today!

In honor of this event, and because I can, I hereby proclaim October 20th to be Miss Giggles day!

Hard to believe it, but this site has now been up for five years. Wow! A lot has changed since then.

When it went up I was just barely figuring out how it all worked. I planned to use it to keep track of the books I read. I now have a whole separate site just for that (Miss Giggles’ Book Log). There are 146 reviews on it so far.

I also wanted to use this site to put up pictures of me every now and then so my mom would be able to see what I was up to. And I have done that. And I’ve had a lot of fun with my camera too. Growing up I used to imagine what it would be like to work for National Geographic as a photographer. I’m not that, but I do enjoy photography.

I still think my mom is my biggest reader.

I added this blog in 2006 when I started graduate school. It was an assignment. I have no idea if the professor ever read what we wrote or not, but I’ve really enjoyed having that addition.

I was in my second year teaching when I started this site. My fifth graders that first year nicknamed me Miss Giggles, and it stuck all six years I taught at the school. Those were good years.

Now I’m in my third year as a graduate student (the first two years were while I was still teaching and resulted in my Masters).

In the five years I’ve had this site I’ve gone on trips. I got a brother-in-law. Two months ago I got a nephew. I’ve moved. I earned a Masters. I learned to belly dance. I was the Relief Society president of my ward for two of those years. I’ve met some dear friends who have forever changed my life. And all of that and more can be found some place on this site.

So now that both the site and myself have grown over the last five years, I decided it was time to do some house cleaning and redecorating, especially since I’ve learned a bit about web design since then.

Over the last several weeks I’ve been making a lot of changes to the site. Most of them are in the code and you’ll probably never know they are there. And that’s okay. One or two changes went up before now. And there might be one or two more that come a bit later. But there are a few visible changes right now as well. I hope you like them. Some of my photography is more visible now.

Here’s to another five years of MissGiggles.com!

4 shared thoughts about Happy Birthday MissGiggles.com!

  1. Giggle

    Happy Miss Giggles Day!!

  2. Pays says:

    Happy Birthday Miss Giggles!!!! It was fun chatting with you today!

  3. mom says:

    Have a happy 2+3, 4+1, 5+0, 10-5, 15-10, 20-15, 25-20, ………..
    you know what I mean
    love MOM

  4. EricManning says:

    Happy Birthday, site. And here’s to another 5 years, at least! Congrats to you, as well, Miss Giggles!


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