Happy Sewing Machine Day

Categories: Happy Things, Quilting/Sewing/Knitting/Crafting
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According to my calendar, today is Sewing Machine Day. Something about the sewing machine being patented on September 10th or something, but there were so many patents for so many different parts and models, that I don’t know. But whatever. I can celebrate Sewing Machine Day without knowing the exact reason.

Yesterday was Teddy Bear day and I thought about making one, which I will be doing eventually. But that’s about as far as I got on that one.

But today, I have all the squares for a blanket cut out and ready to go. Maybe I’ll lay them out and sew them together today.

I got my sewing machine for Christmas in 2002. I love it. I didn’t even get a car till the next summer. But the fabric store was less than a mile away and so I would walk down, buy a bunch of fabric, put it in a big bag, throw it over my shoulder and walk home Santa Claus style.

I really don’t know what I’d do without a sewing machine.

I sew quilts. Lots and lots of quilts. It’s pretty math. And it’s probably as expensive as therapy, but I have a blanket when I’m finished, and I think I’m more sane this way.

And I love that there are some patterns I’m really good at now and so if I decide I want pajama pants to commemorate an occasion (yes, I’ve done that several times), I can just whip some out. Or a skirt. Or if I need a new costume for something.

We all need to create, and sewing is how I do that.

One shared thought about Happy Sewing Machine Day

  1. Miss Giggles says:
    Giggle Giggle

    I’m happy to report that on this Sewing Machine Day I did all the sewing on a Christmas present for this year. That’s two Christmas presents I have all but the finishing touches done on, and it’s only September!

    Laying it out on my bed, the largest space I had available, was a big incentive. If I didn’t get the pieces sewn together tonight, I was going to be able to sleep on my bed.


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