I love to learn. I love finding out new ideas. I will never be an expert in many of the things I study. But that does not stop me from learning. I really enjoy learning more about science. Oddly, quantum physics and string theory have really captured my attention of late. I blame Nova on PBS. It is just such an amazing show. Well really, I could probably blame all of PBS if I wanted to. They have some real good programs.
What is fun is when I can take the little I do know and use it in a conversation. These theories are just so fascinating, and I like sharing them with people. I’ve had conversations over dinner about quantum physics, string theory, and recently Shröedinger’s cat as well.42D
I know that science is still looking for one grand unifying theory that will combine all of the theories of nature they have so far into one. But it must be possible if I can talk about what they have already in just about any conversation.
It’s all just very fascinating. I want to learn more.
Yay string theory!