
Categories: Health, Venting
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Just about everything I’ve seen about troubles falling asleep says that instead of lying in bed and trying to fall asleep, if you are actually alert you should get out of bed and go do something.

What if it’s been several nights in a row that it’s 3am and you have to get up for work in 3 hours and won’t have time to nap or anything and will be driving a lot and you know that if you don’t get to sleep some time soon you’re going to completely crash in a day or two and everyone you deal with between now and then is going to have to deal with your crabbiness?

Is it really wise to get up then, knowing you’ll be up all night if you do?

I also know that if I turned on the tv and turned off the lights I could fall asleep on the couch, it wouldn’t be deep sleep, but it would be sleep. But then because my body wasn’t put together right, I won’t be able to move when I wake up.

I hate when it’s that early in the morning and I haven’t gone to bed yet because I know that doesn’t mean I can sleep in a little extra in the morning but I have to get up because we live in a world that thinks people should be awake and at school/work from 8-4. I’m NOT that person. I would love it if school was from 12-6. I’ve always been that way.

Okay, I’m crabby and tired and haven’t slept well in at least a week. Can you tell? If I do manage to fall asleep, I’m awake around 4 or 5 in the morning.

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