Last summer a friend of mine told me a very important piece of information. Just about everything we use runs on smoke. If you let the smoke out, the thing doesn’t work so well. He discovered this amazing fact one evening at a concert in the park when the smoke escaped from the speakers and they had to get new speakers.
Last week the smoke escaped from my vacuum. It doesn’t work any more. It’s hasn’t really sucked wonderfully well for a while anyway, and now that the smoke got out of it I’m not even going to try. So today I bought a vacuum that really sucks (at least I’m hoping it does. I haven’t used it yet). This one still has all its smoke inside too. I checked.
I’m still trying to figure out how people smoking fits with this information. I suppose people could say they are improving their function by adding more smoke, but then they just breath it all out again, and we know that smoking kills people. Maybe it allows little bits of their own smoke out when they’re letting out all the extra smoke… hrmm… I’ll have to think on this…