
Categories: Learn Something, Life
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It is an interesting past time to look at people, watch them, and figure out why they do what they do. A lot of times the first assumption about why someone does something, in reality, has nothing to do with why they do it.

I had a sudden moment of enlightenment recently with someone I know. It was interesting to consider the possibility that they are probably very insecure with themselves and their life, that they view life as a constant competition with everyone around them, even though nobody is competing with them. This person loves being the center of attention, and feels intense negative feelings towards anyone who steals that attention from them. In an effort to appear great and important they tear down everyone around them. They have chosen a few select individuals who they feel can be allowed to be on the same level as them, and everyone else around them must either be beneath them, or made to feel beneath them. What first appeared to be confidence and self-assurance is more than likely insecurity and pride.

It gives a new perspective to all of my past dealings with this person. It would’ve been nice if I could’ve figured this out before though. It would’ve saved me a lot of grief in the past.

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