We all have those days where you wonder if what you are doing is worth it. As a teacher I wonder if they are really learning anything, am I making a difference, will they remember what I taught them. But every so often something happens that makes me think they really are learning and it really is a good thing I’m doing.
The way my lab is set up, I can watch what all of the students are doing, and control their computers if necessary. The same program lets them send messages to me if they need help or want to tell me what they did over the weekend, or things like that. I don’t mind them doing that because they are practicing their keyboarding in a real setting.
Today a sixth grade girl came in and started sending me messages. She said she thinks computers is her favorite subject. I wrote back and told her about when I took computer science in high school and that I think she’d be good at it. I told her what we did in high school and about the competitions we went to. She said it sounded confusing and asked if she’d really be good at it. She reminds me of me when I was that age. She’d be good. She said she wants to take technology classes in high school.
It all just made me smile. I made a difference for somebody. I can only imagine what she’s going to end up doing when she grows up. Something great I’m sure.